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For a sample of the leather/fabric or if you require and alternative size please call our customer service team 01908 216200.
If you would like to adjust the size of this sofa please call us on 01908 216200
Standard: Diameter: 102cm Height: 79cm
Maxi: Diameter: 122cm Height: 79cm
Seat Height: 41cm
Vancouver: Premium CAT B Italian Leather
This 100% genuine leather features a well-defined texture with a clear, uniformed and full grain. It meets high physical leather standards, with minimal surface scars. The leather is resistant to scratches and wear, making it ideal for both soft and hard sofas. It is a 100% full leather finish with a thickness of 1.4–1.6mm.
By Iconica Collection
Was £2,659.00
From £1,859.00
By Special Offers
Was £7,592.00
From £3,495.00
Denelli Italia
10, Tanners Drive
Blakelands Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes
MK14 5BW
On this product we only require a 20% deposit. The remaining balance will be due a few days before confirmed delivery date.